Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A Special Letter

I am so excited. Yesterday, my dad called all of us to the living room and told us he had a letter that he wanted to read us. He wouldn't tell us who the letter was from.

This is what it said:

"Dear Daddy,
I can't wait to meet you on August 1, 2010! I love you already.
Love, Your Baby
P.S. My Mommy is so happy!

My Mom is pregnant! My Dad shared that my Mom had just given him that letter. I was so happy that I jumped all around the living room, yelling, "Thank You, God!" I pray that God will allow us to have this little baby. I already love my baby sister or brother and I can't wait until she or he is born!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Mysterious Islands

This is where we will be tonight! I am very excited. Yesterday, my Dad had to go to a business meeting in another state. He is going to try to be back to see the film with us. I hope he can because I miss him already. I am going to take pictures of the cast and filmmakers and post them on my blog this week.

You can learn more about the "Mysterious Islands" movie by clicking here.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Mini Pizzas

This is a fun and easy treat to make. It is good for birthdays (little children love them) or a quick snack. I hope you will enjoy making them.

You will need:

English muffins,or bagels

2Tbs of pizza sauce for each pizza (1 jar of pizza sauce will go a very long way)

shredded cheese (cheddar or mozzarella)

and sliced pepperoni.

Preheat the oven to 350 degrease Fahrenheit. Spread pizza sauce on the English muffin. Sprinkle cheese on the English muffins. Put four slices of pepperoni on top. Place them on a cookie sheet and put them in the oven.
Take them out after five to 8 minutes. Serve warm with a salad or by themselves.

You can be as creative as you want with these pizzas by adding different toppings such as: onions, olives, peppers, ham, or sausage. Yum!